More Custom Settings Semantics (this time featuring Data Silo!)

1 Mar

In my continuing series on custom settings semantics, here’s a test class that shows what happens when you try to access existing custom settings in tests with SeeAllData set to true and false.

The org has 2 settings:

1. A list setting with a row called ‘foo’

2. A hierarchy setting with a row for the sysadmin user and a field called color__c (the user has it set to ‘blue’)

@istest public class DataSiloCSTest {
 @IsTest(SeeAllData=true) public static void 
    testAccessExisting() {
 privatecs__c x = privatecs__c.getInstance('foo');
 System.assert(x != null);

 x = privatecs__c.getValues('foo');
 System.assert(x != null);

 x = [select name from privatecs__c where 
    name='foo' limit 1];
 System.assert(x != null);

 mycs__c a = mycs__c.getInstance(UserInfo.getUserId());
 System.assert(a != null);
 System.assertEquals('blue', a.color__c);

 a = mycs__c.getValues(UserInfo.getUserId());
 System.assert(a != null);
 System.assertEquals('blue', a.color__c);

 a = [select color__c from mycs__c where 
    setupownerid=:UserInfo.getUserId() limit 1];
 System.assert(a != null);
 System.assertEquals('blue', a.color__c);

 @IsTest(SeeAllData=false) public static void 
    testNoAccessExisting() {
 privatecs__c x = privatecs__c.getInstance('foo');
 System.assert(x == null);

 x = privatecs__c.getValues('foo');
 System.assert(x == null);

 List<privatecs__c> y = [select name from privatecs__c 
    where name='foo'];
 System.assertEquals(0, y.size());

 mycs__c a = mycs__c.getInstance(UserInfo.getUserId());
 System.assert(a != null);
 System.assertEquals(null, a.color__c);

 a = mycs__c.getValues(UserInfo.getUserId());
 System.assert(a == null);

 List<mycs__c> b = [select color__c from mycs__c where 
    setupownerid=:UserInfo.getUserId() limit 1];
 System.assertEquals(0, b.size());

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